Dream sleeper, terrible napper. HELP!

Hey ladies,
Needing a bit of help here. My little one is 15 weeks old and is a terrible napper, but amazing at night. At night we do a bedtime routine and put him down drowsy and he falls right asleep. (Swaddle, bink, white noise)      If he wakes up and can't get himself back to sleep, I put my hand on his chest or the bink back in and he falls right back to sleep. However, naps are a completely different story. He will scream like crazy before finally falling asleep. We have tried everything we can think of. Varying the times he's awake before naps. Naptime routines, laying him down awake, rocking him in our arms, putting him in the swing, swaddled, unswaddled, one arm out. He seems to really struggle to wind down. Often he's almost asleep and wakes up and that's when he really loses it. He's been like this since he was little. I'm not interested in CIO so young especially since I know he can self soothe at night. Anyone else's babies really struggle with naps only? Any advice?