Not sure where to post this.

I work from home, I have a 2 year old son and I watch kids at my home, it's a home daycare kind of thing. I have a 1 year old and a 9 month old that I also watch, along with an occasional 4 year old. 
However, my concern is with the 9 month old I watch. I understand that all babies learn at their own paces, and his mother is a very good mother... But he's very under developed in my opinion. He doesn't know how to sit up, he's not properly crawling yet (he does this crazy army crawl/roll thing), he just started solid foods at 8 months old, and he still doesn't hold his own bottle. His mother holds him a lot, so if you put him down for longer than ten minutes, or walk out of the room as he's playing with his toys, he SCREAMS bloody murder. It's like someone is killing him. He's very attached, and because he is her baby, I understand that. But I have 3 other kids I have to attend to, so I cannot hold him all of the time. I don't know how to approach this, because it's not my concern, but at the same time I take care of him 40+ hours a week and treat him as my own. I work with him while he's here, I encourage him to crawl on his knees, I prop him up with pillows and hold his hands so he can sit up, I buckle him up in the high chair so he can sit straight up while feeding (they feed him propped up on a boppy pillow), but I feel like all of the work I do gets erased because they hold him all of the time and never encourage him to hold his bottle or crawl correctly. Is there another way to handle this? Or should I just let it go and he'll eventually get to the point he needs to be? I care about him, and I just want what's best for him.