Choosing to stay positive!!

Cycle day 70!! A month ago i was put on progesterone to jump start my period and nothing happened. I had very light spotting for a day or two, 2 weeks ago but nothing else. My body felt off, but every test I took was negative. I am going to chose to not let this ruin my day because I know God has a reason behind all this. As hard as that is to say. My husband and I want a baby so so so bad but if it's not meant to be right now then God obviously has other plans at this moment in our lives. Since I got the negative this morning I am going to start my second round of medicine in hopes that my period comes soon. God knows what he is doing. Yes, it is very hard and discouraging. I find myself becoming angry, hurt, and depressed a lot but that's not doing anything for me. With any other negative test I would have thrown my little fit but for some reason things feel different this morning. So, here's to a good day!!