Overdue pregnancy rant

Alicia • 24 living on long Island, Ny
Just having the worst pregnancy ever . I've been scheduled to be induced when I was 39 weeks which was 2 weeks ago, hospital sent me home because it wasn't for a medical reason. This Monday which was my due date I was feeling dizzy so I called my dr she told me go straight to the hospital . I did and I was sent home again . Now between yesterday and today I've been having contractions sometimes 2-5 min apart sometimes 5-10 . They hurt so bad once again I called my dr she told me go straight to the hospital . I thought I was going into active labor but nope once again they sent me home. I'm only 1cm dilated and 70% effaced at 40 weeks + 3 days and my water hasn't broken .Now here I lay having contractions not being able to sleep because it hurts so bad. I either have to wait for baby to come on his own or I'm being induced July 7th at 8:30pm. I just hope it happens this time by then I will be 41+3.