Help!! Extreme nipple and breast pain

Any advice???!!! My little guy is 1 month old and breastfeeding is going well I think. Everything on the left side feels very comfortable, but when nursing on the right side, it's extremely painful! Increasingly so over the last couple days 😪 It feels like it's burning and there's 1000 tiny knives stabbing me in the nipple. Sometimes there's a deep pain in my breast too. I can feel it even when not nursing! I don't think it's a latch problem since things are successful on the left side. It doesn't appear to be blistered but there is a small bump that may be the source of some of the tenderness? It's  flesh colored though- everything I saw online about clogged pores looked white. I've tried the dried breast milk trick, lanolin, warm showers and ice. Pumping is more comfortable- my husband suggested just feeding from the left and pumping from the right but I'm afraid that will affect my supply. Anyone else experience anything like this or have some suggestions for pain relief? Thanks in advance!