"It doesn't even feel like I have a girlfriend anymore"

So tonight as my daughter is winding down to go to bed my boyfriend of about two and a half years starts just unloading all of his feelings that apparently have been eating away at him for some time now. He starts saying "it doesn't feel like I have a girlfriend anymore". Which I understand, I don't really have a lot of time for myself let alone someone else. Our daughter is six months old and she takes up a lot of my time. I don't want him to feel neglected but with most of what she eats is breast milk it's hard to find the time. This part of his argument I understood, I really did, but the part that bothered me was when he asked "when is it going to stop?" I asked him confused on what he meant by that and he clarified that he wanted to know when "she was going to stop taking up all of my time". This just baffles me and I was unsure how to respond. She is my child, I will do any and everything to make sure that she has whatever she needs to succeed and prosper in life and if that takes up all of my time then so be it. I'm just so confused. Any suggestions on what to do in this situation? Thanks in advance!