FYI formula Mommas...

Switched my LO to a gentle formula a few weeks ago due to gas and mild acid reflux. Got a free case of our brand and type, ready-made formula through our peds office and thought "Great! This will be so great for on-the-go things!" Fast forward to tonight... Poured her some of the ready-made formula and about a half hour after eating my poor babe had the worst stomach she's had since we switched her to gentle! It was heartbreaking and nothing we did worked... As soon as we got home, I started comparing the ingredient labels between the powder and pre-mixed formulas (even though they SHOULD have been exactly the same). Turns out the ready-made stuff had added ingredients! I'm not one to get upset but there is a reason I feed my baby GENTLE formula - she has stomach issues. Needless to say I am not impressed.
Just wanted to share with my fellow formula mommies. If your LO has a sensitive tummy, make sure to double check the label before giving them ready-made formula. Hoping to save a few tummy aches and heartaches!
Happy parenting everyone!