What's wrong with me ?

There's this boy that I met in August last year my dad introduced us our families are very close but I've never met him before we clicked instantly hung out bought all kinds of munchies to watch movies we'd go out but there was one problem he lived in Texas and I live 1,506 miles away. I was 14 at the time and he was 15 anyway he went back home and we hung out before his flight back home I went to visit family were he was from so we hung out a lot he took me out and idk I was happy we started dating around that time I went to visit. He ignored me for a week I barely found out about a month ago and it was because  we were talking on the phone and I had to leave instantly and I tried calling and texting but not that much because I didn't ant to smother him but he left me no choice but to break up with him over a dumb message he shows up to my house on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> because that's when I celebrate Christmas with my family .. Anyway he came out of nowhere with his family I didn't want to talk to him so I didn't but we ended up trying to make plans but they never worked out .. Anyway he left and moved so now we're only 400 miles apart and we don't really talk. Well I was at a party for the 4th of July and he was there we didn't really talk but I walked past him and said hey and a couple hours later some guy at the party singing to me and he got jealous because it was so obvious I was standing next to his uncle which is my dads boss too ! But we're pretty cool anyway he had the microphone and tried to get me and my ex to dance but we didn't then he tried getting to talk to me through the microphone but he didn't it's okay because he asked me too and I didn't want to either if we wanted to talk we'd do it on our own but they only did it because they know we both like each other me and my ex have talked about it but long distance is hard I'm saying they because it was multiple of his uncles who planned it after 3 songs that I was being San to while pinned to the corner and we talked a little bit  and we have some sort of connection that makes me care for him every time little things remind me of him o get hurt I'm 15 and he's 17 now .. Anyway me and his mom talked not much about him but she's hilarious ! Had me cracking up all day .. Long story short she had to give me a ride home but we had to wait because her sister gave my parents a ride because they were drunk anywaaaaaaaaay she told me that I should come by and visit it wasn't awkward after she said that but his mom likes me and I feel like it's a bad thing that I like that because her son and I aren't gene together but I can't lie and say I don't have feelings .. I'm just so lost and don't know how to feel and I can't to to anybody about it either