3 weeks late. No BFP!

My husband and I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant. My cycle is always 33-35 days. I'm now on cycle day 56  I have tested at least once a week since AF was due on June 11. All negative. I've never been this late. We are lucky to have a beautiful 4 year old girl. I really want her to have a sibling though. I couldn't imagine being an only child.  I know people who have been trying for way longer than we have. I can't imagine what they are going through. My heart breaks every time I get a negative result. I broke down to my husband for the first time yesterday sobbing after yet another BFN. It's tiring and taking a toll on me. I have an OB appoint in 2 weeks. If AF still doesn't show I am going to talk to my Dr. Holding onto a little bit of hope that there is still a chance I could be pregnant. Needing some baby dust over here.