OCD. Please help. Anyone know about it.

Does anyone have ocd? Im just wondering because I've been wondering for years why I feel like I have to have everything in my house in the right place. Like its to the point where if I know a certain part of my house isn't organized it stays with me and causes me stress and anxiety until I fix it. I've never been diagnosed or anything. But for example when people with kids come to my house. Family or friends like I can't handle when they get into stuff and start moving things around. It actually makes me stress out. It's like I fear of losing everything. I'm not materialistic and I can't stand clutter. But I feel bad when people ask me to babysit for them and the first thought in my head is that they are gonna move everything around and it makes me get anxiety. My SO family judges me alot for it and they take it personally. But to be honest I don't know whats wrong with me or why I feel like this. My SO even gets mad because I have to have everything where I want it. And I'm not being a brat. But I know if I don't fix it. It will stay with me until I do. Sorry for the long rant. I just don't know how this is going to affect when I have my baby.