34 weeks and husband won't have sex

My husband who used to initiate and love sex so much, and would get frustrated if he didn't 'get enough', seems to have lost all sex drive towards me. We haven't had sex in like 6+ weeks I have tried everything -- wearing things he likes, flirting with him, acting a little distant/mysterious. Nothing works. I guess this is 'normal' or happens to some of us... it's hard w/ all the hormones in me not to go to a depressed place of "he will never desire me again", or "he must be having an affair", or "i must be so ugly". i feel quite beautiful and other men are very nice to me. But I don't care about other men... I want my man to want me. It's kind of heartbreaking. It's such a special time, and it's sad to not be able to share that particular energy with my partner. I finally asked him why won't you I like started balling my eyes out and he was like no no honey you are beautiful to me he said this is the most attracted he's ever been to me that I'm having his baby. But the fact that his baby is going to come out of that hole werids him out im so sad. Anyone else ??