I know my boyfriend loves me but.. Pls read :(

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over two years now. He was a virgin before we had sex but I was not. My relationship before him was two and a half years and I was mentally and emotionally abused. He completely killed my self esteem. He treated me like a sex object and would try having sex all of the time and if I said no he'd turn over and be angry until I do. And then afterwards he'd play on his phone or watch tv and barely cuddle. So, I told my current boyfriend I don't want another relationship that's based off of sex. I KNOW my boyfriend loves me. He's forgiven me for cheating (kissing) the third week we were together. I've also lied throughout our relationship (small, nothing huge). So I have lost his trust but he's done the same, believe me. He has never cheated though. He used to be romantic and love all over me. The past year and a half he's been sexual more than he's affectionate. Our convos somehow always turn sexual, or when we are together we can make out or cuddle without having sex. I love sex with him, but I'm more into being affectionate towards each other and touching for affection rather than touching to be sexual. Don't get me wrong, he is cuddly sometimes and loving, but he's mostly sexual. For instance, we went to cancun with my family. I'm short so I couldn't reach and drink my alcohol beverage so he'd hold me up. Instead of kissing on me or hugging me in the pool, he grabbed my ass and tried fingering me. I told him to stop because we are in public and with MY FAMILY. He told me to stop being lame and lighten up. He does this often whenever I say no to something I'm not comfortable with. He can't go a couple days without sex without saying I never have sex with him. I've mentioned this to him about being more loving than sexual all of the time. Sometimes sex hurts me and whenever I ask him to stop he gets upset and pouts so I let him continue anyway. He also has intense sexual fantasies. He always pressures me into doing things I'm not comfortable with by calling me lame or saying other guys do it & making me feel bad. I just don't know what to think or do :( I love him and I know he loves me but it's just annoying. I want to be loved on. He says he misses me when we go days apart and is sweet over texts but when he sees me he stays playing on his phone and says "BABYYYY" but doesn't hug me or kiss me like he used to. Sometimes he does, but not often. I just feel like our relationship is more sexual than I'd like, and not enough romance and loving