Bed rest: Day 8. Maternity shoot! 🤗

Marie • Mama to Finn born August 2016 & pregnant with baby number two, due October 2020. ♥️
Any other August mamas on bed rest?? I'm due August 22nd, currently 33 weeks + 2 days, and I've been on bed rest for 8 days now due to pre-term labor. FTM, and I've been very active my entire pregnancy but baby has had other plans. I'm now confined to laying on my left side in order to keep contractions at bay most of the day. I started having Braxton hicks at week 16 quite regularly, and they have evolved to more intense/consistent contractions for about 2 weeks now, with lots of cramps! Coming to terms with the entire end of your pregnancy being different then what was planned is tough. Babys things and room are no where near ready as I planned on doing everything once I started maternity leave, which was just 2 days after I ended up in hospital and put on bed rest! Along with that, I've had to cancel my baby shower, attending my nephews 1st birthday, a family reunion, my cousins bachelorette party & wedding that I was suppose to be a bridesmaid in, and a maternity photo shoot.
But my husband is ridiculously AMAZING. He's been my nurse since I've been home from the hospital, and I'm so lucky that he works from home! He's made me all of my meals, and has been taking care of our dog and house, and is prepping all baby things exactly as I want. And on top of all of that, he set up a mini maternity shoot in our bedroom!! This is one image he captured, we were limited on space and poses but I couldn't be happier with it. It captures my pregnancy and what I'm going through, and I'm so in love with my boys. 🤗💙