Gestational Diabetes- baby was fine

I wanted to make a post because I was diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks. I had to check my sugar first thing in the morning, and after breakfast, lunch and dinner. My blood sugar was supposed to be below 90 fasting and below 120 2 hours after each meal. 
I found that after 4 weeks, my sugars were constantly above 120, more like 150-160. This made me freak because I knew they were supposed to be lower than 120. I was diet controlled and strictly stuck to the diet in order to make sure baby girl would be ok. 
I was placed on glyburide 3.25mg. 
For the remainder of pregnancy my sugar levels remained right around 100-120. This made me feel good, but j also missed all of the things that I used to eat (carbs)! 
Around 37 weeks, my sugar levels began to get lower and lower, and yet I was eating more. When they told me that my sugar gets harder to manage towards the end, I thought they meant higher and more difficult to keep low. It was the opposite of that for me. I would eat a burger and a few fries and my sugar would be within the range. I would wake up and have low blood sugar and get to eat mini donuts (hostess) for breakfast and a glass of orange juice! 
I was induced at 39 weeks, my dr suggests 39 weeks inductions for all patients with GD. My baby girl was born on 6/17/16 and weighed 7lb and 11 oz. 
I am sharing this story so that hopefully this will help at least one person not be as stressed and worried as I was about baby being ok and being able to manage your sugar levels. My baby was 100% healthy and her sugars were on track after she was born. 
I checked my sugars as required and adjusted my meals to make sure my sugar levels weren't higher than recommended. I remained stressed and frustrated with GD, and have to say that it made the last 10 weeks of pregnancy miserable, but once she was born and healthy and didn't weigh as much as they said she might, I was one happy mommy! 
 *picture at 3 weeks for cuteness* :)