Cant breastfeed..just cant😭

I have been desperately trying to breastfeed my baby since she was born 3 1/2 weeks ago.. Ive seem 2 lactation consultants and they say she latches fine, well i nurse her for 10-20 mins on each side and shes never satisfied she also fights and squirms and unlatches on my breast, she does not do this with a bottle when i pump.. Im so close to giving up im up for 2 hrs at a time at night taking her on & off my boob, she wont let me pump she cries every time i start, shes hungry every 30-60 mins but when i give her a bottle shes good for 2-3 hrs. I dont want to formula feed but BFing is literally making me crazy and depressed. Anyone been in my position and ended up sticking with it and it getting better??😳