Unwanted advice

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

Some of my husbands friends are well to me rude i dont know if they are unintentionally doing it or honestly think I'm stupid.

So they text me today out of the blue asking how me and the baby are doing. Being polite i respond just sleepless since my LO is almost 4 weeks and NOT a sleep through the night baby.

Now mind I HAVE a 11yr old from a previous shitty deadbeat who my husband took on whole heartedly. He was a came home and 2 days out already sleeping through the night baby! I was dearly lucky at 18 with him.

I get a call a few minutes later and it leads to them telling me how the wife works at a daycare and knows these things..... how the reason my lo is having reflux problems mighy be because we don't take him out enough. I kindly so yeh I've discussed things with my pediatrician and do my best to just bypass this convo.

This isn't a first with this couple they have tried to tell me they know about kids with autism (my old son has aspergers) since they have a cousin who has it...... ok and? Or how they know how to handle things or how to do this or that since she works at a daycare so she knows.....

I've raised my 11yr old quite successfully and am still doing a damn good job. My pediatrician is happy with our younger sons progress and we are doing JUST FINE.

Does anyone else get aggravated by shit like this.