Baby shower....

Apologies for the long post just confused/frustrated and needed advice! So I need some advice regarding my baby shower planning. My husbands step mother offered to throw it back when we first announced we were expecting and I gladly accepted since I didn't have one with my first baby....well a couple of months ago I brought it up considering I didn't know if she was still planning it or not or even wanted to still plan it since I know money is tight every where and my husbands sister offered to throw it if she couldn't. Well every time I would ask about it she would respond with the next time you come over we can talk about it and never did or I'll have to look at expenses which I completely understand about. She randomly texts me the other day and asks for addresses of everyone that I would like to invite and then after she has that we can pick a date. I had been planning with his sister themes and stuff for the baby shower just in case she would be the one to throw it. I finally get all the addresses and send them to his step mom expecting a thank you so much or at least some response letting me know she got them since my phone hasn't been working properly lately and she didn't an hour later she posts on Facebook about how she got off work early and it kind of made me feel like she doesn't want to throw it at all....Should I just ask her bluntly if she wants to still throw the baby shower or just inform her that his sister can do it? I just don't wanna wait around and it not get planned at all...especially since everyone in both mine and his family has been asking when the baby shower was going to be...Thanks in advance ladies!