So broken

So me and my boyfriend of a year and a half broke up. He was supposed to come pick me up and see fireworks with me for the fourth of July. He posted a status on Facebook making me think he was looking for a ride to come see me. Three days later (now) i find out he did get a ride in my area. But he went and got heroin. And he told the person not to tell me. I always thought my boyfriend was a liar and a shady person. And tonight i was proved right. I just wish i was wrong. He lied to me and said he couldn't find a ride. Meanwhile, he was out getting stoned and buying heroin. Please ladies comment the best tips on how to move on. Because I don't want to go back to a liar and a shady person. Also it was a family member that told me this and the way he explained it and the timing it is most definitely true. I just wish it wasn't😢😢