Does other people's SO do this??

Ok I gotta rant for a minute... me and my SO have been ttc for 2 months now and everytime my fertile window comes up I tell him that it's our week meaning we have to do BD's and he says ok but it's like every time it's time he's tired I mean I do realize he does work and that he probably is tired but I stay home with the kids and I make supper you know stay at home mom duties.. sometimes I feel like he just says that he's tired or sometimes I feel like he don't really want another baby or at least right now... but if this is the case I just wish he would tell me so I don't get my hopes up 😦😦 then he told me after we missed our chance last month he said let me know when next month's is so we can do lots of BD'S and so I did and this is what he does... ugh I don't understand it!! Sorry I literally have no one else to talk or rant to about this so thanks for listening