Anyone else feeling sad about this?

Anna-Grace • Married mama to George ❤️👦🏻
So right off the bat let me make it clear that I am over the moon about meeting my LO next month and so is my husband!! I have always wanted to be a mom, and I have felt so connected to my baby from the start. At the same time, it is starting to really hit me, now that d-day is so close, how different everything in my life will be soon. I know friendships will change, but honestly they already have since I've announced my pregnancy and I didn't have many friends in close contact anyway (they all live out of state and are very busy) so I'm not too worried about that. The thing I am really sad about is how great it is between me and my husband. We have nights now where we can just lie in bed gazing at each other and listening to music and talking and I cherish these sorts of moments so much. My relationship with my husband is so rewarding and is my most prized thing in this world, and I know having a baby will draw us even closer together (we have already grown so close over the pregnancy), but I also know we'll have virtually no time to focus on each other anymore and that makes me bitterly sad, as much as I want this baby. To top things off, I don't have much family support, so my husband is my one rock, so to speak. And people say things all the time about how a baby totally changes your relationship (and usually they say it's not for the better), you never have sex anymore, you fight more...hell, there are even studies out there proving that childless couples have happier marriages than couples with kids. I want this baby SO much but is it wrong I don't feel like anything is worth sacrificing my marriage? I feel heartbroken over having to say goodbye to the kind of slow romantic moments we get now. Can anyone relate? Anyone been through this already and have some words of comfort? I'm probably being totally childish and selfish for feeling this way, but there it is.