Miscarriages 😶

I went for my 10 week appointment July 6, 2016, this past Wednesday praying so hard that this would be the first time I'd see my sweet baby alive this far into my pregnancy. Baby didn't have a heartbeat. I believe it was a boy in my heart, and he had made it to heaven about a week ago. This time was harder bc I had heard the heartbeat at week 7. This is my 3rd miscarriage in 6 months. First was in january of 2016, same thing a missed miscarriage, baby passed at 9 weeks. Second was at 5 weeks and this one I thought for sure would make it. My doctor really seems to think it is blood clotting, please pray I can get some answers. This is such a painful thing to go through. I have surgery today. I am praying for all of you beautiful ladies with sweet baby's on the way and praying you never ever have to go through this.