I just don't understand

As I had posted before I went out with a guy Monday and no judgement but we did have sex (this may not even matter). We talked a lot on Tuesday but after I texted first which is how most of our conversations started. On Wednesday I just felt it would be best to wait for him to text me which he didn't do until 8 last night but we didn't talk for real. Today I was meaning to text him this morning but I was rushing and I had to go out of town. I got caught up with some other stuff but I texted him around 5 and didn't get a text back until 7 something. Here's what I said "Hey I meant to text you earlier" then he says "Ok I feel like we aren't going to work out already" when I asked him why he felt that way he said it was because we haven't really been talking. I asked him if he meant from the past couple days or from Monday. He said it was from the past couple days. I just don't understand why we have to talk like everyday and why I always have to be the one to text first. I do like hanging out with him and all but again I just don't feel the need to talk all the time. Any advice?