Twin won't nurse

 I breastfed both my twins using a nippleshield for 5 months. I went back to work and for a variety of reasons starting pumping and supplementing with formula. The twins are now 6 months adjusted age 4months. The other day just to see what would happen I put one twin to the breast and he took it no issues. No nipple shield or anything . This happened about a week ago so I breastfeed him except when I'm working , but 3 days a week they go with me to work so I'm able to breastfeed if I can get away from my desk. The other twins wants nothing to do with nursing. I'm guessing because getting bottles so long. I keep trying but he just cries at the breast. Anyone else have one twin that can breastfeed and one that can't? Do u just feed from one side and then pump the other? Do you feel guilty about the one that can't breastfeed? Any insight would be helpful. I'm thinking having one breastfeed would be great for outings, etc and to keep my supply up.