Idk what's going on with me. I'm 1 month & 12 days late. Last period I have marked in my phone is May 29th, & I'm not even sure if I started then honestly. But I took a dollar tree
pregnancy test & it came back negative. I waited a week maybe & took another year but a Clear Blue one this time, still negative. I just feel like it isn't normal because the last time my periods were irregular was 2 years ago when I was taking the depo shot? The last two times I had sex was January 20th, & June 13th. My moms supposed to take me to Planned Parenthood to see what's up with me sometime this week, because she said sometimes women can't tell just by a pregnancy test some can only tell by a blood test so that's probably my next step. Just to see what's up. Wish me luck! Any thoughts? I have another pregnancy test but idk if I should take it or not? I haven't even felt like I'm going to start my period & usually I can tell the day before sometimes a few days before.