Hooray! (Period related)

I haven't had a period since February, and when I did that time it was because I did a provera/clomid cycle unsuccessfully. Before that I can't even tell you the last time I had one. It's been a long, long time. 
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to a little surprise visitor!
Most people get so mad when they get their periods. I was so proud to get mine this morning. I've been changing my diet and working out more, taking control of my health and behold. And it's about time!! 
To me this means my body finally did something it was supposed to do and is a total victory in my book. Now I can actually try to have my second kiddo and hopefully without needing to go back on the clomid to get those eggs moving! I'll take my cramps and crankiness if it means I won't need too much help getting the baby train to leave the station! 
Just wanted to share my morning. Thanks for listening ❤️ any hope is hope, after all. 
(Edited to add that I got diagnosed with pcos 9 years ago)