I don't know what to do to help him

So. This isn't period or baby related. Well it's my fur baby. And I've googled and googled and I can't find an answer. So. I recently got a puppy, he is not 8 weeks old and he was recently dewormed. We stopped his treatment I want to say last Thursday or Friday. Well ever since we started it his pee has smelt really really bad. And we thought the smell would go away when the medicine went away, well it hasn't. It's still really bad. We keep him in our bathroom during the night and while we are at work so he has the room for a bed and puppy pad and food and water, and every day I have to come home and scrub that room because it's smells sooooo bad because of his pee. And I was wondering if anyone has had anything similar. I can't explain the smell. It's not fishy or metallic or anything. Just disgusting. It smells like the medicine, which was a powder we put on his food. Maybe I'm overreacting and it'll go away eventually. He has clean water 24/7. So I just can't figure it out!his attitude hasn't changed still happy running around and playing so that's good. Just gross pee.