I have a horrible confession

I got pregnant when I was 17 and I was not ready to have a child. My parents found out because my sister went through my phone & told on me. I was keeping it a secret because I wasn't going to go through with the pregnancy. The moment they found out, I had no choice.. It was THEIR decision. I would break down and tell them how I wasn't ready for this. They didn't want me to give her up for adoption but to follow through with it "because if I'm responsible to have sex I'm responsible to have a baby" (I got pregnant while on birth control) the day after I had her, I cried for weeks because I felt so depressed I love her, but I felt like I wasn't ready. now, fast forward three years I feel so disconnected to my daughter at times, like yes I love her to death... But I'm 21 and I just want to live life, her dad left this whole load on me bc he walked out on us, so now I'm the one that has to do EVERYTHING.. I feel so horrible.. I've never confessed this to anyone because I feel like a bad person.. But I just can't hold this in anymore :/