Breast feeding after implants

I naturally had really small breasts  & breast feed my first daughter for about 6 weeks my second for 4 weeks (happily with out having to supplement) then I went and got an augmentation. With my third daughter- I breast fed for 2 months & latching on was dreadfull every time but was able to get her fed despite bleeding and painful  nipples (didnt know about the nipple shield back then) Im assuming it was tough for her to latch on because the very forced round shape didnt  give my very non existant natural breast tissue the ability to shape for her tiny mouth. Anyway!...
1. Has any other mamas out there had issues w/  latchin on after implants?
 Im having a tough time with my son and he seems much hungrier than my 3 girls! (Hes 6 weeks old)  
2. Is this normal or just me?? 
*** Eating every hour - 1.5 hrs & unconsolable after every other BF until I supplement at least 1-2 oz formula after he gets off. (Last 2 days) We feed for 20-30 min. I Want to exclusively BF but feeling like this 6 weeks is all Im good for as he may just need a lil bit more sometimes...