I went into my hospital on Tuesday the 12th to be monitored for contractions that over the course of...


I went into my hospital on Tuesday the 12th to be monitored for contractions that over the course of 24 hours went from every 10 minutes, down to every 3-5 minutes.

While being monitored, the baby's heart had 3 (in the words of the midwife and nurses) scary decelerations. The next morning I was flown by helicopter to a nicu hospital. I was given the oxytocin stress test and immediately failed. From there, I was moved to the OR and had my first c section with baby number 4. Jacob Henry weighed 4lbs 6.5 oz and was 17 1/4 inches long. He scored an 8 and 9 on the Apgar. So far, his only issues are being on cpap (room air, no oxygen) and obviously he'll have to learn to suck swallow breathe.

We're taking things one day and one moment at a time. I'm extremely sore but otherwise, good.