A little baby in my tummy 😄

BabyBlu🐼 • Mom of Irish twins

There's a little baby in my belly! SO goes to work at 430am and i just couldnt sleep so i got my doppler out. Took me a while but i finally found the heartbeat a couple times (i think baby was moving because i kept having to readjust the wand to catch it) This is my 3rd try using the doppler but the first time i actually heard baby! This being my 2nd pregnancy and so soon after my 1st, im a little sad to say that i have felt a little disconnect (by this point, i had 3 different ultrasounds the first time so it made it more real) especially since i havent even seen the doctor yet but this really helped. As long as you have a lot of patience (you're gonna need it) i definitely recommend a doppler. This is the one i have (Sonoline C1)

Ps. I know that im like the 10th person posting about this (sorry) but its just really exciting to have some proof that you're not feeling like doodo for no reason