Depo Provera

What are the realistic chances that I could actually get pregnant on the depo shot? I've been on it for six months now and I always get it on exactly thirteen weeks and I'm nearing my third shot on the 21st. My boyfriend and I never use protection during sex but he always pulls out at least two minutes before. But this time around I haven't gotten a period but did have one for three weeks about a month ago. Which with me is typical because I suffer from PCOS and have never had a normal period my whole life. I can go months without one. But I'm experiencing PMS/Pregnancy symptoms since they are so closely related and I'm not sure if this is just because my body is adjusting since I'm nearing my next shot or not. I know they say it's a rare chance to conceive if you stick to it like you're supposed to but I feel like I've seen a lot of women on here say they have gotten pregnant on it?