I want to write this for all you ladies who have been on the DEPO and have since decided to start a family but have been struggling. 
I first started the DEPO injection in December 2014. I went on to have 3 injections in total taking me to June 2015 which was my last one. I decided to not go ahead with any more injections because I had been experiencing so much continuous bleeding and weight gain. 
From June 2015 when I had my last shot, until January 2016, my periods had not returned. Around this time my other half and I decided we wanted to try for a baby and continued to have unprotected sex but never got pregnant obviously! 
My period returned on 31st January, and were irregular for a few months and then gradually got regular again!  I had my next one 2nd March, 6th may, 6th June and then 6th July. 
In the mean time January-March,I had undergone some doctors appointments and had an ultrasound to get to the bottom of my irregular periods  which revealed my body was functioning normally and ovulating but a small cysts had been detected on my left ovary-( but this was not to be the cause of my irregular periods!) 
So all in all it has taken the full year for my periods to regulate, and for the DEPO to be completely out of my body.  we still don't use protection and have never got pregnant, and we are now taking a more laid back approach to things... 'Not trying but not preventing' 
And I would just like to say those who have had the injection and are currently experiencing irregular/lack of periods and want to try for a baby just hang on in there! Your body is working hard to get back to its normal state it does take a long time (especially in my case) so be persistent and don't let it get the better of you!