Mixed emotions...

My dd is 3 months old. This past week I've been experience pregnancy symptoms very similar to my first pregnancy (nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, tiredness, increased appetite). I'm still breastfeeding and haven't gotten a post pardum period yet. Hubby and I BD unprotected on 7/6 and 7/9. I took a pregnancy test today and got a BFN. Since I haven't gotten a period idk how many DPO I am (if I ovulated at all yet), but it's only been 7-10 days since possible conception. I had very mixed emotions when I got BFN. Hubby and I said we'd like to wait until dd is about a year to try again, but he's the one who suggested we just BD as normal and if it happens again it happens. Part of me wants to be pregnant again but part of me doesn't. Mostly I want to be pregnant again soon but I'm thinking maybe another month or two. Idk. Not having my period back is making it complicated. Mostly wanted to vent but if anyone is going through something similar, comments are welcome.