Braxton hicks?

So I'm not 100 percent sure if I managed to pull my stomach muscles while laying down last night or if I just felt my first contraction.. so I was laying all propped on my side with my pregnancy pillow when I got this weird feeling in my belly. I felt it more on the side I was laying on and it spread across my belly. It felt like a pulled muscle being continually worked and stretched past it's limits it hurt but not worse than what a mild Charlie horse feal like. I got up thinking I pulled something and needed to stretch. Whenever I stopped moving my whole stomach felt like a pulled muscle and my abdomen was rock hard. Lasted maybe 1-2 min total. Did I just pull a muscle in my prego belly or is this what Braxton hicks contractions feal like for some people? I haven't had it again since. Other than some very mild period like cramps so far today. Baby is moving around like normal so I'm not concerned just unsure of what I felt. I was told they don't hurt.... Lol I think I was lied to XD I'm 23 weeks on Sunday if that matters