How to help a man understand

Abbey • Wine and Berries
My boyfriend and I get in a disagreement last night over the tv. I simply got up off the bed to go smoke a cigarette and he said where are you going? I explained how uninterested I was in the show he was watching and he said but baby watch it with me. I started my period yesterday and it's a bad one. My emotions are all out of wack and I'm in a shit load of pain. I said to him just leave me alone in a very attitudey way and that pissed him off. Long story short he tried telling ME how periods work and just because I'm on my period doesn't mean be a bitch. At that point I asked him to take me home or atleast let me explain the way I'm feeling. PERSONALLY periods are hell. I want to blow everything up. Ugh how do we help men understand what we have to go through every month. I lose all self control due to the pain and raging emotions. Please help what should I do other than watching what and how I say things.