After 13 cycles, we have a baby!

Hi ladies! If you are reading this, I just want to say that I absolutely know how annoying it can be reading about other's announcements/advice on getting pregnant. Trust me, I've been there and it sucks. But, I feel like the way I got pregnant should be shared in case it can help another couple. Here is was I did the cycle I conceived this baby ( my second child).
Wandfo OPK's- my husband was out of town until the day I got a strong positive opk, so we BD'd that night and the three nights after that. 
-we used preseed as a lubricant 
-after intercourse, I inserted a "soft cup" (available at Walmart" to help keep the semen up high and close to my cervix. I kept that in for 12 hours.
-I supplemented for about 60 days and this is what I took
-- evening primrose oil
-- vitex
-- geritol
-- prenatals
-- omega 3,6,9 oils
-- Royal jelly
-- beta carotene 
-- extra folic acid 
I hope this finds you well and that your bfp is just on the horizon!