Wtf is going on with these posts!!

Amy 🐙 • Nurse, 25, love my man of 8 great years very chilled in ttc baby number 1
What is with the countless racial and offensive  posts and polls? Like what colour are you pick, do you think America is the best country do you think cars should be band due to the France tragedy. Wtf is wrong with you people who post anon aswell I mean if your going to be offensive at least have the guts to do it without posting anon. Do you think as a world we can just act like decent people for a few days considering the tragedythat's just happened in France and the horrendous mess that is going on in turkey in the last 24 hours Even if your not from Europe stop been so fucking  selfish and shut the fuck up. I don't care if you have green skin and look like a leprechaun to stop asking people to promote racism. End of rant!