Group B positive Mommies?

I found out during my second trimester that I'm Group B Strep Positive. I was totally scared when my obgyn told me this because I had no idea what this was. I'm still a little bit hesitant now at 38w 3d because I was told by the nurse at my doctors office that this calls for c-section. However when I spoke to my doctor she said that being a carrier of group b Strep Is no reason to get c-section that they'll simply give me antibiotics before I go into labor. I have nothing against having a c-section if it's for the well being of my baby I just want to know in advance what type of birth im going to have to be emotionally/ physically prepared for whatever I need to take on. Any mom's to be or mothers have or had this problem. Please save me from my many questions. (First time mommy)