Help deciding on middle name... For baby girl...

This may possibly be our only baby so I'm not sure how I want to do the middle name...
My fiancé liked that I wanted my Gram's name Lila, but requested we spell it with a "y" and I liked that but it didn't seem right till I added the "h" so first name is LYLAH 😀
Our middle name options... Combination needing help!!! ANN will be used no matter what as is!!! Reason explained below...
ANN - because it is my middle name which I got from my fathers mother, I am his only child and their only biological grandchild, I am seeing it as a name sake to carry them on 😀
SUE - is my mothers middle name
MARIE - is my fiancés mothers and sisters middle name...
How often do you find 3-4 names amongst family that flow so nicely??? I don't want to hyphenate anything or for any of the names to sound combined like... I got a month to decide (EDD 8/17/2016) and have had 8 already and can't... And my fiancé won't help because if it were a boy the name is a given as baby boy would be a 3rd generation carried from my father-en-law to my fiancé and will be carried to a son should be decide to have more kids... As of now we seem content with Lylah being out only one...

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