My birth story

I was 5 days overdue. On June 7 my cervix was closed and high. So I was to get induced on june 14. I started getting contractions Saturday June 11 @1230am. I told my husband that I went pee and there was a lot of blood. That I was pretty sure I was in labor. He asked if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I said no. His 10 year old daughter lives with us and I didn't want to wake her up at 1am and go to the hospital just to probably get sent back home. So I told him to go back to sleep. I cleaned the house. Watched grumpy old men and timed my contractions. At 430am I called the birthing center. Talked to them about the contractions and my bloody show. My contractions were 5-6 minutes apart. They said at 3-4 minutes apart to come in, but if I wanted to come in now for piece of mind to get looked at I could.. Around 8:30 my husband and step daughter had been up for a while. So I said let's get ready to leave. We brought my step daughter to her aunts.  Then went to the hospital. I was only 3cm so they were going to send me home. But I told them I planned on having the intrathecal (sp?) So they got me started on an iv. My husband and I sat there watching Reba and waiting. Around 2:30pm my doctor came in and broke my water. It felt so weird. It hurt a little and warm liquid came out, it was all over my back as I was laying down. He called the anesthesiologist who said she would make her way here. I was starving and where I was having pain meds I wasn't allowed to eat anything except clear liquids. So the nurses brought up some orange jello, chicken broth, Apple juice, and a popsicle. I had everything except the broth. The anesthesiologist didn't get there until almost 330pm. And she had a student with her. So it took her twice as long to get it done. It felt like she was grinding the bones in my spine. I finally had relief from the pain but unfortunately it wore off 3 hours later. I was so exhausted. I started shaking really bad and shivering. I started dry heaving. Then throwing up bile while apologizing to the nurse and my husband for them having to witness it. Btw the nurses were amazing. Always comforting me and being so sweet. Around 9pm the doctor's wanted me to started pushing, or practicing pushing. I started on the bed with a few different positions. Then on the toilet that wheels around. Which was the most comfortable position to push in. I kept nodding off and falling asleep I was so exhausted. I tried the Jacuzzi which was so relieving. Then I kept feeling like I had to pee, but I couldn't. So the nurses tried putting a catheter in. 3 different nurses couldn't do it. It hurt too. So my doctor came in and tried. Then he says "i think I'm hitting the babies head." So they took it out. I tried some more positions on the bed. They have a bar that I put my legs up on and push. My husband counted the whole time. He held my legs. He did everything. Around 11pm my doctor came in and checked me said it was time to push. I said I wasn't ready and scared! So i pushed and pushed and screamed. Baby was born at 11:26 pm. He told me "it's a girl" and I was so surprised. We never found out the whole pregnancy!  She was 7lbs 10 ounces. 19 inches. As I held her, my doctor gave me a stitch for a second degree tear. I did skin to skin until 1:30am while my husband slept. Then they moved us into a different room. Where my husband actually had a fold out couch to sleep on next to me!