Clomid vs metformin

We have unexplained infertility. My fiancé and I both. He has had a low sperm count (off and on as he has had multiple sperm analysis' done) but they say it's not enough to where he shouldn't not be able to get me pregnant..they did an ultrasound of my uterus and ovaries and everything looks fine/normal. They want to do one more test of my Fallopian tubes and if that comes back ok then there's really no doctor prescribed me metformin as supposedly many take it to try and help conceive....I however have read that it makes people horribly sick and has bad side effects which makes me scared. I have noticed they also prescribe clomid to those ttc and am wondering what the difference is? Anyone on here take one or the other and which is preferred? Any info or experience you can share? 
Ps I've asked about pcos before and the doctors I've spoken with have told me they don't think that's an issue and that nothing was found on my ultrasound.