Long topic

I would like some opinions on this subject. It started off when me and my boyfriend first met (I was 16, he was 18.) My anxiety is pretty bad, and I get pretty down on myself, beat myself up a lot when I mess up or make mistakes. I've had depression since I was a much younger teen, and finally was so happy when I met my boyfriend. His mom was always in her daughters words "pissed off" at me, before she even met me. I have pretty bad anxiety. I get it worse in a group of 15, than in a group of 200 if that makes any sense. I finally met his parents, and they said they liked me and wanted me to come around more. Well, I let my anxiety get the best of me and I haven't seen his parents in awhile. If my boyfriend tells his parents that he can't go do something with them, because me and him are hanging out or have plans, they then go on to say how controlling I am. They've said these mean things, yet still want me to come visit more often. They do invite me to family events, fireworks this July, and I always turn it down. Even though they've said those mean things, I don't not go just because of them. It's nothing against them and I feel like they take it personal. I have anxiety to the point my heart started racing and I backed out of going to a concert because of it. His mom even said "I'm tired of going out of my way to ask someone who gets nervous over stupid shit to spend time with us." I don't mean to be rude, but I'm dating his son, not his parents. They say all these awful things about me and expect me to want to come around. With my anxiety and the way they've talked about me, I don't feel like I should have to come see them anytime they please. Because the second I say no, it's "you're controlling" they've told him to leave me multiple times. I need to work on my anxiety, focus on school and my relationship with my boyfriend, not his family. Has anyone else had this issue? She's also the type of woman that doesn't care if her husband goes to strip clubs alone, doesn't care if he does sharing pictures of random sexy girls online, doesn't care if girls are flashing their tits right next to him. And that is completely FINE! I wish I was that kind of girl that didn't mind. But I am the girl who isn't too fond of her boyfriend watching other girls shake their ass a foot away from him and spending money on them. Not my thing is all. It's just not for me. Maybe one day I wont mind and that could be something we'd do together. But his mom thinks I'm controlling for that aswell. It drives me crazy. I wish I didn't care like she does, but I do. I just wish she'd be more understanding. Am I wrong for feeling like this? I don't mean to come off rude towards her. It's just how I feel.. Why do I need to be overly nice and everything, when she constantly has something negative coming out of her mouth.  She tells me I should just get over my anxiety. That is his mother, but I don't think that I should have to go do something with that wherever whenever, especially when she has nothing positive to say about me. Who would want to be around groups of people who put you down?