5 months TYC I need tips!

Still trying, I got pregnant with my first right away, and had a tiny accident and got pregnant again, then miscarried the second, 😢 and now here I am 11 months after my miscarriage and can't get pregnant. I feel like I'm doing everything right! 
Prenatal vitamins ✔️
Eating healthy ✔️ 
Husband eats healthy ✔️ 
Drinking water ✔️ 
<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Tracking ovulation</a> ✔️
Trying every other day during window ✔️ 
Staying calm and not stressing ✔️
Praying 😋 ✔️ 
I just don't get it.... What am I doing wrong. I really thought I was just pretty furtive because I got pregnant quite easily the first 2 times... And now this. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas on more tips?