After having irregular contractions that increased with intensity (but not regulation) over the cour...

After having irregular contractions that increased with intensity (but not regulation) over the course of several days, my water broke at home suddenly (12am) while I was laying on the couch timing contractions. I made it to the hospital by 1am and was admitted. At this point I was 5cm and the contractions had rapidly gotten far more intense than I had experienced throughout the week. They rushed me through triage and got me set up in a room. The contractions had at this point gotten so intense I could not speak or move. An hour and a half later after back to back to back contractions that were incredibly intense, I insisted to the nurse that I had to make a bowel movement immediately. She insisted that she needed to check me first because it could be the baby. At this point I couldn't even turn on my back for them to check me. They checked me on my side and both stared at each other in shock. I had already progressed to 10cm and was ready to push! 30 min later I had my sweet boy in my arms!