Why do bad moms keep getting babies?!

🦄🍭💀 • TTC baby #1 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻
My ex friend - ex bc she's a fucking awful mother and human being. I just found out she's having her 3rd baby. Before she had her first she faked a positive pregnancy test to try and trap a guy. Luckily he didn't believe it was his. But she's horrible, I remember her yelling at her first born when he was only a few months old to shut the fuck up. Like I'm sure most moms think that but they don't scream it at their infant. I stopped hanging out with her bc of the way she was with her kids. On methadone through both her pregnancies, found out after she delivered she was crushing pills(stolen from her dad) with her bf and sniffing them in the hospital. Both were born addicted to opiates and before you guys bash me for not calling cps, they already have some cases against her before I even knew about it. Anyways I can think of quite a few more people who don't deserve a family.. Rapists child molesters, animal abusers, abusive parents. Why can't I just have a baby! That I would love n protect, why have I had 3 mc but there are so many couples in the same boat who would do anything to start a family but instead these babies are being born to complete pieces of shit!!! It's like a cruel joke why does God keep blessing shitty people? I feel like I'm never gonna get my family