Ryker's birth story!

After my 38 week appointment, my doctor decided it was time to induce me that day (Tuesday, July 12) due to gestational hypertension and low fluid levels around the baby. My husband and I were filled with emotions- excited, scared, nervous, just ready to meet our little man! We checked in at the hospital at 7 PM, however I was not dilated at all. I was started on cervidil and after 12 hours, I had only dilated 1 CM. I was a little bummed to say the least. Next, a 12-hour round of cytotec orally. After those 12 hours, nothing at all had changed. The doctor mentioned that we are going to try a second dose of cervidil, for another 12 hours and if that didn't work to ripen my cervix, we would then discuss a c-section. Nothing at all against them, but I was very upset because I have always dreamed of a vaginal delivery. It was now Wednesday when the second round of cervidil was put inside me and I was trying my best to stay positive. The contractions were steady but not very many or very painful yet. Around 4:30 AM Thursday morning, I went to use the restroom and as soon as I finished, a huge gush went into the toilet. I didn't think much of it until I got in the hospital bed and started leaking everywhere. I called my nurse who told me it was just fluid from getting an IV. I went to sleep and woke up 2 hours later...same thing happened again expect a whole lot more fluid was leaking. My nurse came and got a swab and sure enough...MY WATER HAD OFFICIALLY BROKE! I was so excited. They told me I still had to give the cervidil the full 12 hours to do its job. Right before the 12th hour was up I went to use the restroom and BAM...the cervidil fell out in the toilet on its own! My doctor checked me and I had dilated to 3 CM! She decided to start pitocin. The contractions were bad once the pitocin started and about two hours into the induction, I requested an epidural. The anesthesiologist came and gave it to me...my legs went numb...however I could feel every single contraction with a vengeance. I cannot describe the pain but I can tell you I was begging for a c section at this point because I could not deal with the pain any longer. The anesthesiologist came and readjusted the epidural, however...it still failed even after giving me the dose they give for patients having a c section. I was in agonizing pain. He came back a third time and decided to take it out and completely put a new one in. This time, it worked. Hallelujah! Long story short, I went from 3 CM dilated to 7 CM dilated in 45 minutes once the pitocin started! Woohoo! One step closer to meeting my baby. Then...after another hour and a half, I was ready to push! Fully dilated and his head was extremely low! My husband and grandmother cheered me on and within 30 minutes of pushing, our sweet baby boy was born on Thursday, July 14 at 10:51 PM weighing 7 lbs 7.7 oz and was 20.5 inches long! He is doing fantastic and we are so in love. 💙💙 Thanks for reading my birth story!!!