***My Birth Story In Full Detail***Seriously the most painful, most amazing time of my life

***My Birth Story In Full Detail***
Seriously the most painful, most amazing time of my life. It was all 100% worth it. You forget all the pain when you see the love of your life for the first time. I was in early labor for two whole days getting sent home twice from the hospital having prodromal labor..all to find out she was in a bad position so my body was contracting trying to get her in the right position. The second time I got sent home I was having contractions sporadically. As soon as my mucus plug completely fell out they kept getting stronger and stronger..by the end of the night the contractions brought me to the floor they were so painful and my tummy wasn't getting softer In between contractions so we called the hospital and they told me to come right in. (It was 2am) I was so scared because I thought it was going to be another false alarm..come to find out I was already 3 1/2 cm dilated so they had me walk the halls to get even further. I dilated to a 4 right away then a 6! I was progressing so fast I didn't ask for my epidural right away because I didn't think it was going to happen so fast! My contractions got so bad I almost passed out. They had a girl who was in training..I needed a catheter put in to empty my bladder for testing because they found a hint of protein in my urine...the girl couldn't get in, it was so painful on top of contractions..the girl took it out and started over again! Then she couldn't get my IV in so she poked me 5 times! I felt like an animal being poked and prodded on the table. So ladies if they tell you they have someone in training you say HELL NO. Lol. Thank God for my Husband, mom and grandma who were there with me the whole time for support! One was putting a wet rag on my head and the other one was rubbing my back and squeezing my hand. I didn't want to sit down because they were more intense so I marched in place. My mom said she wanted to pass out for me because she's never seen anyone in so much pain. I kept saying "please PLEASE I need an epidural now!" They called the anesthesiologist who was on her way there. The nurse told me it would only be 45 more minutes.....ONLY?! I just knew I was gonna die lol. They had to unload all the fluid into my IV before the epidural so I stood up and marched the whole time trying to focus on my breathing and blowing away the pain. When she got there she was so amazing and got it done fast! I didn't even feel it and didn't even realize she put it in. When I started going numb I wanted to kiss everyone in the room the pain was completely gone! I got to rest up a bit and was told I was already at a 10!..a few minutes later I was ready to push. A nurse came in and I did a few practice breathing and pushes. When it was time it was honestly fun..as weird as that sounds. I didn't feel any pain and the nurse said I was pushing in the perfect place, I took naps in between contractions I was so tired from pushing for a little over 3 hours. Sophie's head was stuck tilted under my pelvic bone so that's why it took so long to push her out. They got me on Pitocin to get my contractions really going closer together. The only thing I felt was a bit of pressure when she came out and they laid her on my chest (at 2:44pm) ..my husband and I were bawling. Seriously the best moment of our lives! We are forever changed 😊 she is seriously the best baby, only cries when she's hungry or needs a diaper change. She sleeps during the night and is such a snuggler. God is so good!