Can't believe he's here :)

This is a long story but i wanted to tell it.

For 4 days I was having intense contractions. I went in to the hospital the second day (wednesday) I was only 2 cm dilated. So they gave me morphine and sent me home. The 3rd day of contractions (thursday) was alot more painful. So I went back to hospital. Still only 2 cm dilated. The 4th day (friday) I was in tears they were so bad and back labor was intense. So I went back to hospital, that night my mother in law was working. She made them give me stuff and help more than usual. So I was on laughing gas and morphine. They offered an epidural. I was gonna have it but the lady in the room next to me needed it because she was 6cm dilated. ( they only can do one person epidural at a time) I was only 2 and a half on Friday. So the doc came to let me know my other options. That I could have oxytocin or a c-section. So I went for the c-section. Everything went great I was preped right away and on the table. After he cut me open he said "I see why your not progressing anymore" my boy was back to back with me and transverse. ( laying sideways) but now I have a handsome boy. Came out Weighting 6 pounds 15 ounces. 19 inches long.

Sawyer Theodore cooper.