My little boy 💙

Joanne • 25, mommy to two little boys born on July 11th, 16 and May 2nd, 18 💙💙 Happily married July 27th, 13 💕
Warning, story might be long lol 
Well it all started on Wednesday July 6th, I went in for my 39 week check up and my dr decided to sweep my membranes that day. I went home and by 8pm I started getting contractions and decided to walk around to get them closer and longer, walked for an hr and got them to be 5 min apart lasting for 1min and I timed them for 2hrs. They were getting painful so my husband and I decided to go to the hospital thinking it might finally be time. Got put in triage and monitored for an hr and checked my cervix and it wouldn't dilate past 3cm so they gave me a shot of morphine to help with the pain and sent me home. Thursday the 7th I was fine and drowsy all day long from the morphine shot so I spent my day sleeping. Friday the 8th I started getting contractions again at night but for some reason this time my stomach was not contracting, I was getting horrible contractions that started on my lower back, went to my hips and down to my pelvis. They weren't too bad at first so I tried to sleep it off but come Saturday the 9th at 4am I woke up because I could no longer sleep through them. I started timing them and they were 1-2min apart and I could no longer take the pain. Went to the hospital at about 5am and they put me in triage and monitored me for 2hrs this time because I was still stuck at 3cm but thy did see my contractions were coming every 2min and strong. I walked around the hospital for another hr in so much pain and still wouldn't dilate any further. They told me I was stuck in early labor and my body didn't want to go into active labor yet, so they gave me two Percocet pills and sent me home again.. The pills and a warm bath/shower helped get the pain levels to a minimum and the contractions to be further apart. Sunday the 10th (due date) around 5pm they came back and a lot stronger! I was crying through each contraction but my stomach was still not contracting! It was my vagina that felt like it was being torn apart! Went to the hospital again and the same thing, triage, monitored, no change so gave me another shot of morphine. Only this time the morphine shot wasn't helping as much and I could still feel every contraction but not too painful.. Until Monday the 11th at 5am I woke up because they started to get really painful again but I decided to just hop in a warm shower to see if that would help. Hubby left for work which is 30min away and I was just gonna go back to sleep but next thing you know by 6am they came at full force, I was on the floor crying through each one but my stomach still was not contracting. Called my dr and told her I could no longer take the pain and she heard how bad it was for me. She finally told me to go in and they'll just admit me because I've been in early labor too long and she didn't want me going through the pain any longer. Called my husband first and told him to meet me at the hospital, then called my mom and told her it's time and if she would take me since my husband was far away and she was only 10 min away from my house. She came and picked me at 7:50, got to the hospital at 8:20 and they admitted me right away. By then the contractions were so bad I couldn't breathe through them and I was shaking and dehydrating so fast, the nurse had to keep trying to make me breathe and kept holding me down trying to help me get through the each one, which they were coming every 2min. They hurried and got me an epidural at 9 which I had to be held down for since I couldn't stop shaking but after I got it, it was pure heaven! I was finally able to calm down and get some much needed sleep. Got the pitocin at 10am and was finally dilated to a 4. Dr came in to break my water at 12 but as soon as she sat on the bed it broke on its own lol and I was finally at a 5. By 5pm I was at a 10 and stage 2 but my dr was at her office so I had to wait for her to get there so I could start pushing. By 6 she showed up and my epidural started to wear off on my left hip but they didn't want me to press the button for more because then I would be too numb to push. So I start pushing and I could feel the epidural wearing off more and more, my baby boy decided he wanted to come sunny side up instead and was stuck under my pubic bone. 2hrs later and his head finally came out from under my pubic bone and started to crown.. The epidural had fully worn off and let me tell you.. I felt EVERYTHING!! I felt the ring of fire and I felt myself tearing, I couldn't stop pushing because it hurt so bad to even stop to take a deep breath, I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain! Finally his head was out and his body just followed behind him. I let a out a sigh of relief and I was drenched in sweat but as soon as they placed my little boy on my chest all that pain and everything else went away. He was the most perfect  thing I've ever layed eyes on and I was just so in love. I got a 3rd degree tear and felt every stitch and pull but let me tell you this, I would definitely do it all over again for my little guy. 
Arian Lorenzo Gonzalez born July 11th at 8:30pm, weighing 7lbs 13oz and 20 in a half inches long.  
Thank you for reading ❤️