Not as I planned...

Went in 7/11, 6 days past my due date, to be induced. Started the evening with Cervidil. By midnight, contractions started happening giving me hope I wouldn't need the piotocin since I really didn't want to be induced. By the morning the contractions were so painful, I convinced the doc to give me nubain. Started the piotocin at noon at 2 cm, by 4pm I was at 4 cm and was able to have my water broke. The contractions were exactly where they should have been and super intense. Too much for me to handle so I begged for an epidural, which also was not in the plan. Felt relief for a few hours only to get the most extreme pain back with 3 contractions straight pattern with only a minute rest between the sets of 3. Found out I knocked my epidural out. Had that fixed, got some rest until 11pm where I was still at 4cm. Agreed to a c-section. Baby was a champ through the whole process. She was stuck in my birth canal, so vaginal birth just wasn't going to happen. She was born at 12:21 am 7/13 9lbs2 oz 21.25inches. I ended up bleeding for 2 hours after she was born losing 3-4 pints of blood. Woke up shaking and in shock. All I wanted to do was be with my baby. I got to feed her as soon as I was out of the OR and  we bonded immediately. Dad got the 1st 2 hours of bonding time. I'm just glad she is happy and healthy and I made it through to be with her. Love my little princess!